You may return most new, unopened items within 60 days of delivery for a refund, replacement or credit, less the shipping cost.
We understand that items can sometimes be ordered by mistake and our personal sales representatives are here to help!
Items ordered by mistake are at the fault of the customer and may be returned for a refund within 30 days of receiving the item, less a 20% restocking fee and shipping charge. Returned items must be in re-saleable condition (original, unmarked, sealed retail package). We would be happy to get the correct item out to you if you wish to do so. No returns will be accepted after 60 days of purchase.
We deeply apologize if we shipped the incorrect item or if the item is defective. In the case that we are at fault, you may request a full refund, credit or replacement within 60 days, less shipping cost. After 60 days, a replacement cartridge can be sent out with a return label to obtain the defective item. It will then be tested at our facilities to insure its defect to better manufacture our cartridges.
If for any reason you need to return an item, simply log into your account and fill out a return request. You may also call Toll-free 877-715-9364 and a customer service representative will be happy to assist you.